Monday, March 12, 2012

Kahr CM9 Update

I went in and looked at a Kahr CM9 yesterday and learned a couple of new things about it.  First of all, the slide wasn't all that difficult to pull back.  It was the slide release that was a royal pain in the butt.  The guy at the gun counter said they loosen up after a while, so maybe it will get reasonable by the end of the break-in period. 

I also tried the trigger out and found that the point at which it goes off seems unnaturally far back.  I don't mean that the trigger pull was just too long, but the position at which the gun is supposed to go off was strange.  It was like I had to adjust my grip to get my finger to bend that far back.  I do have long, slender fingers, so maybe that had something to do with it.  My husband didn't seem to think it was an issue.  Also, I had been shooting my .45 auto earlier that day so I suppose that could have come in to play.  All-in-all it isn't a deal breaker, but it is a slight cause for concern.  I don't know whether one could have some work done on the trigger to alleviate the problem or not.  It does leave me thinking more about the Ruger LCR, which has a great trigger, but I don't think I'm up for that much recoil.

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